• Quickly capture all your ideas and tasks in one place, and then organize them when you have time!
  • You don't have to schedule tasks for certain dates, use flexible Next list to store tasks that you want to done soon, and Focus list for tasks that you're working on right now
  • When you have some time to work, no matter if it's 15 minutes or 5 hours, use a convenient tool to find tasks that meet your current time and energy level
  • Turn tasks into nice looking and easy to use documents with checklists and organized structure
  • Separate tasks and projects into different contexts to help you focus. Keep your work, home, hobbies in different workspaces and focus only on one at a time.
  • Flexible scheduling with Agenda calendar and Repeating tasks
  • Organize tasks using Projects, Tags, each of them can be tuned into a document as well
  • See a big picture and plan your long term goals using a beautiful Timeline view
  • Earn achievements for completing or organizing tasks, making productivity so much fun!
  • Synchronize your tasks across multiple devices and computers with our Premium Access.

A productivity app that will help you keep all your tasks and ideas in one place, complete them on time and never forget anything, all that will fun and no stress!